Great weekend sharing with old friends as well as making new ones. Honored to have been involved in 2 award winning films this year: JUN (Directed by Robert Samuels, written and produced by Robert Jefferson) and The Legend of Kung Funk (Starring Marco DaAnswer Johnson). Thank you Demetrius Angelo for putting on this great event.- Tom Lugo- Sifu Integrated Kung Fu Academy- Media, PA

With the legendary Lu Feng the “Centipede” from the Shaw Brothers classic “Five Venoms” aka “Five Deadly Venoms”, the legendary Ric Meyers, DirectorRobert Samuels (HKSA), Sifu Alex Richter, and SifuBrian Kuttel

with Sifu Sharif Anael-Bey and the legendary Grandmaster Ron Van Clief!

With the legendary Lu Feng the “Centipede” from the Shaw Brothers classic “Five Venoms” aka “Five Deadly Venoms”
